The article by Williams and Jacobs (2004) is an overview of how blogging evolved and how it can be useful today in education. As I read the article I had my own classes in the back of my mind and I tried to find ways I could use blogging with my students.  The data that Williams and Jacobs (2004) cited showed that students found blogging as a useful tool in the educational process, however they were college students.  I teach junior high students, and I believe it would need to be done as a guided practice in order for it to be effective. I see blogging as a way for people to share their thoughts and opinions on various topics, which is something my students love to do.  It seems like a perfect fit.
Williams and Jacobs (2004) also emphasized the importance of recognizing the "lurker" or the person that is not actively participating in the blog.  According to WIlliams and Jacobs, "lurking is an imperative aspect of an online community and should be regarded as a form of passive or vicarious participation that not only serves to increase the understanding in the lurker, but provides a sense of belonging regardless of whether they ever intend to participate" (p 238). I feel this is an important aspect to blogging and the person reading can gain just as much from observing other peoples opinions and thoughts.  They are given the opportunity to gather information and reflect independently.
I've been familiar with the concept of blogging for a while, but have not participated.  It didn't seem like something that would be useful for me to use in my classroom.  After reading this article, I am able to see new ways that blogging could be a valuable tool I could use to enhance my teaching.

Williams, J. & Jacobs, J. (2004) Exploring blogs as learning spaces in higher education.
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
2004, 20(2), 232-247.

Kelley Kill
1/15/2013 11:06:52 pm

Hi Bridgette! I really liked your blog post about blogs in higher education. It was great that you referenced the source at the bottom of your post, and your blog was a nice overview of the article in terms most would understand. I also like how you added in your own perspective about the topic to each quote or article content reference. Good Job!


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    I've been a physical education teacher in Minnesota for 12 years. I've been a coach for 10 years and a personal trainer for 6 years. My passion is inspiring others to fall in love with fitness the way I have throughout my life.


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