I chose to set up a Scoop.it account.  I think this will be a great way to gather useful information in one place and also get information from other people. It's also really easy to link websites from my toolbar.


I enjoyed the video and thought it would be great to show to some of my students.  I definitely feel like I'm using my strengths when I'm teaching, coaching, or doing personal training.  I feel very confident when I'm motivating others in the area of fitness.  I feel far less confident when I'm asked to sit on committees and plan for educational staff development. If I'm not passionate about a topic, I have a difficult time feeling confident.
I'm trying to navigate my way around all this new technology.  I haven't participated in social networking up to this point in my life, so this is all new.  I'm excited to learn about the possible ways I can communicate with my friends, colleagues, and students.  


    I've been a physical education teacher in Minnesota for 12 years. I've been a coach for 10 years and a personal trainer for 6 years. My passion is inspiring others to fall in love with fitness the way I have throughout my life.


    February 2013
    January 2013

