Wiki sites have been something I have heard about and felt I understood on the most basic level.  It turns out I was right, I didn't know much about the extent of what is available.  I was surprised to learn the various uses for Wiki, such as networking between colleagues, professional organizations, or committees using it to communicate among it's members.  Wiki sites goes well beyond just Wikipedia. 

Wiki in education has been debated and many educators are skeptical of how it should be used in the classroom.  However, Wiki sites are much more than just a place for people to post information, its' also a way for people to connect and collaborate.  The fact that one page can be a developed over a number of years and have a several hundred authors suggests that the information has been tested.  Educators should be cautious when using sites such as Wikipedia, however the concept of Wiki sites is an amazing resource for many in the field of education.

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    I've been a physical education teacher in Minnesota for 12 years. I've been a coach for 10 years and a personal trainer for 6 years. My passion is inspiring others to fall in love with fitness the way I have throughout my life.


    February 2013
    January 2013

