Both Facebook and LinkedIn are new to me in the last couple weeks.  As I set up both accounts I found myself feeling nervous about posting too much information. I understand that both sites can be great networking tools, but putting personal information on the internet goes against my instincts. 

My impression of Facebook and LinkedIn is that both are social media sites, however Facebook is more informal.  It's a great place to connect with people and communicate on a casual level.  LinkedIn is designed for professional networking. The information included on the site is valuable when trying to connect with other professionals. I can see value in using both the sites for connecting personally and professionally.

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    I've been a physical education teacher in Minnesota for 12 years. I've been a coach for 10 years and a personal trainer for 6 years. My passion is inspiring others to fall in love with fitness the way I have throughout my life.


    February 2013
    January 2013

