There are plenty of positive things that sites, such as Linkedin, Plaxo, and a personal website site have to offer.  Each have their own features that can enhance a person's professional portfolios.  Linkedin offers a tool for sharing work history, education and special skills that employers are able to view.  Plaxo is a great place to keep a person's contacts in one place, as well as up do date. It can also sync to a person's calendar to help keep important dates organized.  Lastly, a personal website is a great place for a professional to post any information they want to share socially or with potential employers.  It's a place for a person to show their creativity and design a site the emphasize their strongest qualities.  A person can post their resume, pictures, and even a blog to share their thoughts. 
Along with the positive aspects of these site, there comes some negative.  There is a potential for undesirable information to make it's way on to a site.  If a person is not careful to control what is posted, then a person's personal life can cross with their professional life, and some of that information may not be appealing to a potential employer.  In addition, these sites can be difficult to maintain, depending on how many a person has up and running.  I, personally, have a difficult time keeping up with multiple sites.  I feel the need to check them regularly somewhat overwhelming.  If a person has a Facebook, Linkedin, personal website, professional and personal emails, and a Plaxo account it can be very time consuming to keep up with everything.  I do, however, like the idea of having one or two sites and creating a professional network that is manageable and effective.

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    I've been a physical education teacher in Minnesota for 12 years. I've been a coach for 10 years and a personal trainer for 6 years. My passion is inspiring others to fall in love with fitness the way I have throughout my life.


    February 2013
    January 2013

